International Guide Dog Day falls on April 25th every year. This day celebrates the importance of guide dogs and how they support blind people. Guide dogs are trained to be able to access public transportation, avoid obstacles, cross roads safely, and complete other daily tasks in order to aid their handlers’ specific needs. Approximately 10,000 blind or visually impaired people in the United States currently own a guide dog. Here are some facts about guide dogs from Hollywood Feed Pet Food:

  • Guide dogs are specially trained to act as the eyes for blind and visually impaired people
  • Guide dogs are typically Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, and German Shepherds. These dogs have the ability to undergo training as well as be calm under pressure
  • After World War I, the use of guide dogs became more common. This is because many veterans came home from war blinded.
  • Guide dogs start training at a young age before they have a chance to pick up bad habits
  • Each guide dog’s potential person must finish training with their dog so they are well bonded
  • Even if a guide dog’s owner gives the command to cross the street, the dog will refuse if it is unsafe
  • If a store or restaurant’s policy does not allow dogs, guide dogs are still able to enter
  • 7-10 years is the normal career span for a guide dog, for they grow too old to continue to serve
  • Guide dogs have a day devoted just to them, to celebrate their hard work, dedication, and trustworthiness

To see more facts about guide dogs, click here.