Garden City Veterinary Care

Our Blog

The team at Garden City Veterinary Care has written articles for you to learn new information that may help improve your pet’s quality of life!


Do Pets Get Allergies? True or False?

Do Pets Get Allergies? True or False?

Do Pets Get Allergies? True or False? True! Did you know that pets can suffer from allergies just like humans? However, unlike humans who show symptoms like sneezing, coughing, and itchy eyes, pets usually exhibit allergic reactions through their skin. This can lead...

Pet Resolutions for the New Year

Pet Resolutions for the New Year

Pet Resolutions for the New Year As we approach the dawn of a new year, it's the ideal moment to consider resolutions for ourselves and our cherished pets! Let's embark on a journey to make 2024 their healthiest and happiest year yet. Here are some practical and...