Garden City Veterinary Care

Our Blog

The team at Garden City Veterinary Care has written articles for you to learn new information that may help improve your pet’s quality of life!


How to Prevent Hairballs

How to Prevent Hairballs

April 29: The Day Dedicated to Hairballs Did you know there is a day dedicated to hairballs? As a cat owner, you likely don’t need a special day to draw attention to your cat’s hairballs, but April 29 is National Hairball Awareness Day. Let’s take a closer look at why...

3 Ways to Respect Your Cat

3 Ways to Respect Your Cat

3 Ways to Respect Your Cat March 28 is Respect Your Cat Day! While proud felines typically demand our respect and unwavering devotion every day of the year, make it a point to cater to their unique needs on their noteworthy holiday. Try the following ways to show your...

Danger Alert! Common Pet Toxins

Danger Alert! Common Pet Toxins

Danger Alert! Common Pet Toxins  Household toxins are a common source of pet poisoning, particularly in the kitchen or bathroom. However, potential hazards can lurk everywhere, including in your garage, garden, and cupboards. Brush up on your toxin knowledge to keep...

How to Brush Your Pet’s Teeth

How to Brush Your Pet’s Teeth

5 Simple Steps to Start Brushing Your Pet’s Teeth Brushing your pet’s teeth should be something you do as frequently as you brush your own teeth. By brushing your pet’s teeth daily, you can reduce the amount of plaque and oral bacteria in their mouth and help keep...

Make Pet Dental Care a Priority in 2022

Make Pet Dental Care a Priority in 2022

4 Reasons Why Pet Dental Care Should Be on Every Pet Owner’s New Year’s Resolutions List Is having better dental care habits on your pet's New Year's resolution list? If not, it should be! We think it should be on every pet owner’s New Year’s resolutions list. If...

4 Easy DIY Holiday Pet Toys

4 Easy DIY Holiday Pet Toys

Pets are wonderful gift recipients. They appreciate anything you give them, regardless of how much time or money you spend. Plus, you don’t have to be extraordinarily crafty to create homemade gifts your furry pal will enjoy. Make your pet’s Christmas special by...